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A Christmas Lullaby
Soprano Christmas Lullaby
1st tenor A Christmas Lullaby
2nd tenor A Christmas Lullaby
Bari A Christmas Lullaby
Bass A Christmas Lullaby
A Festive Christmas Trilogy
Sop 1 A Festival slow
Sop 2 A Festive Christmas
1st Alto A Festive Christmas
1st tenor A Festive Christmas
A Festive Christmas 2nd tenor
bass A Festive Christmas
2nd alto A Festive Christmas
Bring A Torch, Jennette, Isabella
Bring a Torch sop 1 slow
Bring a Torch sop 1 w/accomp
2nd sop Bring A Torch
1st alto Bring A Torch
2nd alto Bring A Torch
1st tenor Bring A Torch
2nd tenor Bring A Torch
Baritone Bring A Torch
Bass Bring A Torch
Cartoon Christmas
Cartoon Christmas Soprano
2nd soprano Cartoon Christmas
1st alto Cartoon Christmas
2nd alto Cartoon Christmas
1st tenor Cartoon Christmas
2nd tenor Cartoon Christmas
Baritone Cartoon Christmas
Bass Cartoon Christmas
Dominick, the Donkey
Dominick soprano
T & B Dominick
alto Dominick
I saw three ships
2nd altoI saw three ships
1st sop slow I Saw three ships
sop 1 I Saw Three Ships w accomp
Sop2 I Saw Three Ships
slow altos 1 I Saw Three Ships
2nd alto slow I Saw Three Ships slow
1st tenor I saw three ships
2nd tenor I saw three ships
baritone slow I saw three ships
1st alto I saw three ships
bass I saw three ships
1st tenor slow I Saw Three Ships
2nd tenor slow I Saw Three Ships
baritone I saw three ships
bass alone slow I saw three ships
Sing We Now of Christmas
Sop Sing we now
1st alto Sing We Now of Christmas
2nd alto Sing We Now of Christmas
tenor slow Sing We now
tenor w_ Sing we now tenor w_accomp
Bass slow Sing we now
bass 2_ Sing We Now of Christmas accomp
O Little Town of Bethlehem
soprano O Little Town
1st alto O Little Town
2nd alto O Little Town
Tenor 1 slow O Little Town
tenor 1 w/ O Little Town accomp
tenor 2 slow O Little Town
Bass O Little Town
Joy To The World
Sop Joy To The World
alto Joy to the World
tenor Joy to the World
bass Joy to the World
Jesus, Jesus Rest Your Head
soprano 1 slow Jesus Jesus Rest
Soprano 2 Jesus,Jesus Rest
1st alto Jesus, Jesus, Rest
2nd alto Jesus, Jesus, Rest
tenor 1 & 2 slow Jesus Jesus Rest
tenors Jesus Jesus Rest w/accomp
Bass/bari slow Jesus Jesus Rest
bass/bari Jesus Jesus Rest w/accomp
Gloria In Excelsis
tenor 1 slow Gloria
soprano 1 Gloria slow
soprano 1 Gloria w/accomp
Soprano 2 Gloria In Excelsis
1st alto Gloria slow
1st alto Gloria
2nd alto slow Gloria in excelsis
2nd alto Gloria in excelsis Deo
tenor 1 Gloria w/accomp
tenor 2 slow Gloria
tenor 2 Gloria w/accomp
baritone Gloria slow
bari Gloria w/accomp w/apologies
bass Gloria slow
bass Gloria w/accomp
Mary Had a Baby
1st Soprano Mary Had a Baby
2nd soprano Mary Had a Baby
1st alto Mary Had a Baby
2nd alto Mary Had a Baby
1st tenor Mary Had a Baby
2nd tenor Mary Had a Baby
Baritone Mary Had a Baby
Bass Mary Had a Baby
The First Noel
Sop 1 & 2The First Noel
2nd alto The First Noel
tenors The first Noel
bass The First Noel
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